Archiv der Kategorie: Porsche Gene

Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo 1952-1982 – All Porsche

Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo 1952 – 1982 – Alle Porsche

„3. Gang, voll, 50 Kurve, Bremsen, leicht rechts, 180 Grad, 2 Gang, Achtung Heck kommt, voll….“

Man spürt praktisch beim durchlesen des monumentalen Werkes, über die Porsche Rallye-Autos die bei der Rallye Monte Carlo teilgenommen haben, jede Kurve, jede Haarnadelkurve, jede Biegung und jeden Drift eines Porsche. Zur besseren Gewichtsverteilung hatte mancher Porsche immer einen Sandsack bei der Rallye dabei. Als Ersatz für einen Sandsack, bietet sich das im Dingwort Verlag erschiene zwei-bändige Werk „Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo 1952 – 1982 – Alle Porsche“ bestens an. Aber im Kofferraum sind die über 900 Seiten geballtes Porsche Wissen viel zu schade. Nein, es ist eigentlich das perfekte Roadbook für die Rallye Monte Carlo, ein muss für jede Porsche Bibliothek und für jeden Automobilfan. Ein muss für alle Historiker und Rallye-Begeisterten.

Stundenlang kann eine Sonderprüfung bei der Monte gehen und stundenlang kann man sich mit diesem Buch in die weitreichende Geschichte der Stuttgarter Sportwagenfirma einlesen. Nicht nur die Werkeinsätze auch die vielen Privatteams werden ausführlich in den drei Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch erklärt. Tabellen und viele kleine Details, akribisch recherchiert sind bei dieser geschichtsträchtigen Rallye wichtig um zu gewinnen. Auch im Buch sind Tabellen und Details wichtig und ergänzen perfekt dieses Werk.

Die Zuschauer schaufeln Schnee auf die Strassen rund um die Strecken im Fürstentum Monaco. Sie möchten die Autos im Drift sehen, den Motorsport spüren. Bei der Betrachtung der 384 Farb- und 535 Schwarz/Weiß Abbildungen steht man mit an der Straße und schreit förmlich die Porsche im Buch an, will diese weitertreiben und nach jeder Seite Applaus geben. Der Sieg geht an dieses Werk der beiden Autoren Patrick Dasse, Maurice Louche. Nach dem Rennen gehen die beiden Bücher wieder zurück in ihren Schuber und werden rechtzeitig Anfang Januar im Nächsten Jahr zur Rallye Monte Carlo wieder herausgeholt.

Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo 1952-1982 – All Porsche

“3rd gear, full, 50 turn, brakes, light right, 180 degrees, 2 gear, attention rear coming, full…”

You can practically feel every turn, every hairpin turn, every bend and every drift of a Porsche while reading the monumental work, about the Porsche rally cars that took part in the Monte Carlo Rally. For better weight distribution, some Porsche always had a sandbag with them during the rally. As a replacement for a sandbag, the two-volume book “Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo 1952 – 1982 – Alle Porsche”, published by Dingwort Verlag, is a perfect choice. But in the trunk, the more than 900 pages of Porsche knowledge are far too sad. No, it’s actually the perfect road book for the Monte Carlo Rally, a must for every Porsche library and every automobile fan. A must for all historians and rally enthusiasts.

A special stage at the Monte can go on for hours and this book can be used to read hours of the far-reaching history of the Stuttgart sports car company. Not only the factory assignments but also the many private teams are explained in detail in the three languages German, English and French. Tables and many small details, meticulously researched, are important to win this historic rally. Tables and details are also important in the book and complement this work perfectly.

The spectators shovel snow onto the roads around the tracks in the Principality of Monaco. They want to see the cars drifting, feel the motorsport. When you look at the 384 colour and 535 black-and-white illustrations, you’re standing by the road and literally screaming at the Porsche in the book, wanting to drive them on and give applause after every page. The victory goes to this work by the two authors Patrick Dasse, Maurice Louche. After the race, the two books will go back into their slipcases and will be retrieved in time for next year’s Monte Carlo Rally at the beginning of January.

Porsche It´s my World

It´s my World

Ein Buch voller Porsche. Von vorne bis zur letzten Seite. Wen einer wie der Autor den Porsche Virus hat, dann gibt es kein halten mehr. Eine Flut von Bildern die das Buch jeden Tag interessant machen. Farben gehören schon von jeher zu Porsche. In diesem Buch zeigt sich die ganze bunte Welt von Porsche. Vorwort von Jürgen Barth einem der buntesten Porsche Rennfahrer.
Porsche Bücher gibt es viele, dieses hier ist einmalig.

A book full of Porsche. From the front to the last page. If someone like the author has the Porsche virus, then there is no stopping them. A flood of images that make the book interesting every day. Colors have always belonged to Porsche. This book shows the whole colorful world of Porsche. Foreword by Jürgen Barth one of the most colorful Porsche racers.
There are many Porsche books, this one is unique.

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.


Powered by Porsche

Powered by Porsche - the alternative race cars Book Cover Powered by Porsche - the alternative race cars
Roy Smith
Sports & Recreation
Veloce Publishing
15. October 2017

Strap in for German engineered horsepower in this specialized history of Porsche engines. In this detailed and extravagantly photographed book you’ll get a full account of race cars powered by Porsche engines, but were developed by other companies. This is the first title to detail the entire history of Porsche engines down to exact specs on engines, non-Porsche chassis, and race details; plus, personal stories from team drivers. This massive volume covers nearly 50 years, and is loaded with over 700 photos, many of which have never been published before. Just because this history is thorough doesn’t mean it’s a chore to read. The approachable, gearhead-focused writing style makes for an enjoyable book to dive into. The story starts in the late 1970s when the demand for services, cars, chassis, and parts from Porsche outstripped their ability to deliver. The Porsche organization was rapidly expanding, and projects had to be prioritized. The rest is history that you’ll be able to see for yourself!

Powered by Porsche

the alternative race cars
by Roy Smith
This book is a detailed account of the racing cars from 1950 to 2010 that were powered by Porsche engines, but where the chassis and development of the car was carried out by others.
The Porsche company in Zuffenhausen, Germany, can probably be said to be the most successful marque ever for victories in the motor racing scene. Likewise many firsts in innovation have come with the name Porsche attached.
Then there are the builders of racing cars, some major producers, such as Elva, Lotus, Lola, March, all at some time featured a Porsche engine in their chassis. In the late 1970s and into the 1980s, the demand for the services and supply of cars, chassis, and parts from Porsche, outstripped their ability to deliver. Plus with many new projects in the rapidly expanding Porsche organisation, race car projects had to be prioritised. This would lead to the creation of the replicas, as opposed to the factory built works race cars, even Porsche was building ‘replica’ 935s to supply to clients, this was to continue into the 962 era. In turn a whole new highly specialised high quality industry grew up to meet the demand for Porsche-powered racers. In this book we see the racing cars, the teams and the people who turned to Porsche to utilise the power from, perhaps, the greatest of all engine makers.
This is thought to be first book on the subject, covering the entire history of Porsche engines, detailed engine specifications, non-Porsche chassis, and race details, as well as team history with anecdotes from drivers. It is illustrated with many previously unpublished photos, and provides fascinating reading for the enthusiast and newcomer alike.

Models covered:
• Alpinche
• Andial 935
• Argo-Porsche
• Behra-Porsche
• Bobsy-Porsche
• Brickyard Indy-Porsche
• Brun-Porsche
• Chanabé-Porsche
• Condor-Porsche
• Cooper-Porsche
• Cougar-Porsche
• Courage-Porsche
• Coyote-Porsche
• Crawford-Porsche
• Dahmen-Porsche
• Dauer-Porsche
• Deutsch-Porsche
• Devin-Porsche
• DKW-Porsche
• Dolphin-Porsche
• Doran-Porsche
• Dulon-Porsche
• Dyson-Porsche
• EBS-Porsche
• Elva-Porsche
• Fabcar-Porsche
• Fageol-Porsche
• Footwork-Porsche
• Gebhardt-Porsche
• GLD-Porsche
• Glockler-Porsche
• Gordini-Porsche
• GRID-Porsche
• GSL-Porsche
• Gunnar-Porsche
• Hirondelle-Porsche
• Holbert-Porsche
• Jost-Porsche
• John Paul-Porsche
• Keck-Porsche
• Kelly-Porsche
• KMW-Porsche
• Kremer-Porsche
• Lola-Porsche
• Lotus-Porsche
• March-Porsche
• McLaren-Porsche
• Mercedes-Porsche
• Mong-Porsche
• PAM-Porsche
• Platypus-Porsche
• Porschewagon-Porsche
• Pupulidy-Porsche
• RLR-Porsche
• Riley-Porsche
• Royale-Porsche
• Sauter-Porsche
• Schuppan-Porsche
• Sehcar-Porsche
• Strandell-Porsche
• Tiga-Porsche
• TWR Joest-Porsche
• URD-Porsche

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.


Porsche Traktoren Komet Verlag

Porsche Traktoren

Die formschönen und technisch innovativen Zugmaschinen, die ab 1950 in Zusammenarbeit mit der schwäbischen Firma Allgaier in Uhingen und von 1956 bis 1963 in der Porsche-Diesel Motorenbau GmbH in Friedrichshafen entstanden, faszinierten die gesamte Landwirtschaft. Heute sind Allgaier- und Porsche-Diesel-Schlepper begehrte Sammlerstücke. Dieser Band lässt die Geschichte der legendären Ackerschlepper mit 125 brillanten Abbildungen Revue passieren und porträtiert ausführlich die wichtigsten Modelle.

The entire agriculture was fascinated by the elegant and technically innovative tractors, which were developed in cooperation with the Swabian company Allgaier in Uhingen in 1950 and from 1956 to 1963 in Porsche-Diesel Motorenbau GmbH in Friedrichshafen. Today, Allgaier and Porsche diesel tugs are sought-after collectors. This volume shows the history of the legendary tiller with 125 brilliant pictures and portrays in detail the most important models.

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.


Das große Bulli-Abenteuer

Das große Bulli-Abenteuer
Peter Gebhard
Frederking & Thaler Verlag GmbH
21. September 2016

Vom Orient bis ans Nordkap »Das große Bulli-Abenteuer« nimmt Entdecker mit auf eine abenteuerliche Europareise durch spektakuläre Landschaften und zeigt die bunten Facetten des Kontinents aus einem faszinierenden Blickwinkel. Mit seinem rot-weißen T1-VW-Bulli entdeckte Peter Gebhard verlassene und belebte Winkel, traf spannende Persönlichkeiten und tauchte ein in das bunte Herz Europas. Der Bildband ist »Road-Movie« und Liebeserklärung in einem: 14.200 Kilometer PS-Erlebnis, Abenteuer und Heimatliebe.

From the Orient to the North Cape »The great Bulli Adventure« explorers take an adventurous tour through spectacular landscapes and show the colorful facets of the continent from a fascinating viewpoint. With his T1-VW Bulli, Peter Gebhard spotted abandoned and busy corners, met exciting places and drive in the colorful heart of Europe. The illustrated book is a »Road-Movie« and a love story in one: 14,200 kilometers of PS experience, adventure and love for the home.

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.
