Schlagwort-Archive: Nacht

All cats are grey in the dark -Porsche Museum at Night 1

Nachts sind alle Katzen Grau.

Nachts alleine im Porsche Museum. Ein Traum? Dunkle Ecken, Helle Lichter. Geisterhafte schöne Formen und Rundungen. Grautöne und Silber. Stille im Museum und doch ist alles ganz laut. Nachts im Museum sprechen die Autos. Sie erzählen ihre eigene Geschichte. Die Geschichte von Porsche….

At night all cats are Grey.

At night alone in the Porsche Museum. A dream? Dark Corners, Bright Lights. Gorgeous beautiful shapes and curves. Gray tones and silver. Silence in the museum and yet everything is quite noisy. At night in the museum the cars speak for themselves. They tell their own story. The history of Porsche ….

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.


Warming up – Porsche Sound Night 2015

The days are getting longer and the nights getting colder. It’s time for the Porsche Sound Night. 2015, the now legendary event was organized for the fifth time in the Porsche Museum. Peter Falk and Herbert Linge, long two Porsche Oldies, visit their old Porsche at “warming up” the engines before the Porsche Sound Night. Everyone was involved thereby warms both motors Heart ….

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.
