It’s fair time in Paris. So let’s go to the beautiful city on the Seine. Retromobil 2023 is calling. And this time I have the opportunity to go to the fair with a Porsche legend. A ride with Le Mans winner Jürgen Barth himself at the wheel of a Porsche. With just over 24 hours to get there and back and a visit to the fair, it will be a trip into the glorious past of the great Porsche racing era in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Numerous Stuttgart Porsche racing car legends will be on show at Retromobil 2023 in Paris. From the 550 Spyder to the Porsche 907, a Gulf-Porsche 917 to the first built 956 showed up at the fair. Under the light of the exhibition halls, the racing cars, all of which are for sale, invite numerous detailed photos. It is sometimes the small details that tell the stories of the racing cars, and it is precisely such details that Jürgen Barth can tell on the journey from Stuttgart to Paris and back again. The fair shows unique racing cars and cars for collectors and Jürgen Barth knows almost all the stories about these racing cars. In this year 2023, I can’t decide exactly what was more interesting, the ride as Jürgen Barth’s co-driver or the trade fair. It is probably the intersection that makes this short trip to Paris unforgettable.
Schlagwort-Archive: 917
Porsche. Stuttgart. Solitude.
The citizens of Stuttgart have to wait two years until it’s time again and the Stuttgart car manufacturers present themselves again on the historic Solitude racetrack. 2019 is the year again and Porsche presents itself in best weather with true treasures from the museum and numerous racing legends on and off the track. Porsche a sports car manufacturer to touch, to experience, shows racing cars from the glorious times of the Solitude race track and brings current racing drivers together with racing legends to the track. And that’s fun for everyone who is part of the Solitude Revival 2019. The legends are available for autograph requests and have a lot of fun themselves.
Porsche 550 Spyder, 718 Formula 2, Porsche 804, Porsche 904, various Porsche 917 as well as Porsche 914, Porsche 356 and numerous Porsche 911 from all decades are on the way on the course optimally prepared by the organizer Solitude Revival.
Legends such as Herbert Linge, Eberhard Mahle, Hans-Joachim Stuck, Walter Röhrl, Marc Lieb or Stéphane Ortelli, well prepared by the Porsche Museum, will be on hand to answer questions at numerous autograph sessions and presentations in the Porsche Museum tent. The Porsche Museum also presents itself in the best way for the spectators and offers them plenty of space to take a short breather in the spacious event area.
Now the 15th edition of the Solitude is also history and we have to wait another two years to experience history and legends live in Stuttgart… or we go to the Porsche Museum and experience the history of Porsche and a little Solitude Live there.
Der Porsche Carrera RSR aus den 70iger Jahren ist heute ein äussert seltenes Exemplar auf den Rennstrecken. Noch seltener sind Exemplare vom Porsche 917 zu sehen oder die Gruppe C Fahrzeuge Typ 962. Aber einmal im Jahr kommen diese Porsche und viele weitere bei den Spa Classics zusammen um im Rennen noch einmal gegeneinander zu fahren. Historie pur, kann mit erlebt werden bei den Spa Classics. Selten kommt man als Zuschauer so nah an die Rennwagen und/oder an die Rennfahrer. Und mancher der Rennfahrer kennt die Strecke und die Rennwagen wie den Porsche Carrera RSR noch aus seiner aktiven Zeit als Profi. So auch die Porsche Rennlegende Jürgen Barth der mit dem Himmelblauen Porsche Carrera RSR 3.0 auf der schnellen Rennstrecke unterwegs ist. Im Training sowie in der Qualifikation lief noch alles gut, aber kurz vor dem Start zum Rennen blockieren die beiden vorderen Bremsen am RSR und Jürgen Barth kommt mit der vollen Kraft von durchdrehenden Hinterrädern gerade noch in die Boxen. Dieses Rennen ist gelaufen aber das nächste steht schon wieder vor der Tür…
The Porsche Carrera RSR from the 70s is today an extremely rare model on the racetracks. Even rarer are models of the Porsche 917 or the Group C cars type 962. But once a year these Porsche and many more come together at the Spa Classics to race against each other again. Pure history can be experienced at the Spa Classics. As a spectator you rarely get so close to the racing cars and/or the racing drivers. And some of the racing drivers know the track and the racing cars like the Porsche Carrera RSR still from his active time as a professional. So does Porsche racing legend Jürgen Barth, who is on the fast track with the sky blue Porsche Carrera RSR 3.0. In the training as well as in the qualification everything still went well, but shortly before the start of the race the two front brakes on the RSR block and Jürgen Barth comes with the full power of spinning rear wheels just into the pits. This race is over, but the next one is already around the corner…
Season Start 2018
Saison Start 2018
„schnell mal essen“ on Track at Barcelona.
Die Renn Saison nimmt fahrt auf. Der Formel 1 Kurs in Barcelona ist die erste Station für die alten Rennautos aus den 50er, 60er und 80er Jahren der Peter Auto Rennserie. Jürgen Barth fährt dieses Jahr wieder einen ganz speziellen Rennwagen: einen Porsche 917/10-002. Ein reinrassiger Rennwagen mit dem legendären 12-Zylinder der unter der Regie von Ferdinand Piech entwickelt wurde. Ca. 650 PS bringt der Wagen auf die Rennstrecke. Für Jürgen Barth kein Problem. Er steigt aus dem Porsche genauso aus wie er eingestiegen ist. Als wäre ein Kinderspiel mit solch einem Wagen über die, wegen des Sahara-Staubs sehr rutschige, Rennstrecke zu fahren. Das erste Rennen der Saison ist auch immer wieder ein Wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten. Jean Marie Almeras, der bekannte Porsche Tuner und Rennfahrer aus Frankreich ist auf der Rennstrecke und fährt seinen wunderschönen Porsche RSR 2.8l. Beide Rennfahrer, Jürgen und Jean Marie haben nicht nur bei zahlreichen Interviews viel Spaß auch beim Signieren Ihrer Bücher kommt viel Freude auf. Bis zum nächsten Event dauert es nicht mehr lange…..
Season start 2018
Racing and Recipes on track at Barcelona.
The racing season is catching up. The Formula 1 circuit in Barcelona is the first stop for the old racing cars from the 50s, 60s and 80s of the Peter Auto racing series. Jürgen Barth is driving a very special racing car again this year: a Porsche 917 / 10-002. A thoroughbred racing car with the legendary 12-cylinder developed under the direction of Ferdinand Piech. Approximately 650 hp brings the car on the racetrack. No problem for Jürgen Barth. He gets out of the Porsche just as he got in. As if it were a breeze to drive with such a car on the, because of the Sahara dust very slippery, racetrack. The first race of the season is always a reunion with old acquaintances. Jean Marie Almeras, the well-known Porsche tuner and racer from France is on the racetrack and drives his beautiful Porsche RSR 2.8l. Both racers, Jürgen and Jean Marie, have a lot of fun not only in numerous interviews, but also when signing their books, a lot of joy comes up. It will not be long before the next event …
See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.
Porsche Turbo Die Ära der Turbo-Elfer
Porsche Turbo Die Ära der Turbo-Elfer
Motorbuch Verlag
Mit dem 911 Turbo 3.0 stellte Porsche Mitte der 70er-Jahre den ersten Seriensportwagen Deutschlands mit Turbolader-Technik vor. Die einzigartige Turbo-Chronik von Dirk-Michael Conradt ist weit mehr als eine Aneinanderreihung von Daten, Fakten und technischen Beschreibungen bis zum Modelljahr 2016: Es ist die Geschichte einer Legende, spannend erzählt, umfassend dokumentiert und detailliert aufgezeichnet unter Mithilfe von Technikern und Entwicklern. Welche Rolle eine Flasche Whiskey in der Turbo-Entstehungsgeschichte spielte und was Rallye-Legende und Turbo-Entwicklungshelfer Walter Röhrl über die einzelnen Typen zu sagen hat, erfahren Sie nur in diesem Band.
This volume describes the history of the Porsche Turbo, documents each model year, as well as driving performance and technology under the microscope. The whole thing is rounded off by comments from Walter Röhrl.
With the 911 Turbo 3.0, Porsche presented the first production sports car in Germany with turbocharger technology in the mid-1970s. Dirk-Michael Conradt’s unique turbo chronicle is much more than a series of dates, facts and technical descriptions until the model year 2016: It is the story of a legend, narrative narrative, comprehensively documented and recorded in detail with the help of technicians and developers. What role a bottle of whiskey played in the history of turbo formation and what rally legend and turbo development assistant Walter Röhrl has to say about the individual types, you will only learn in this volume.
See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.
Porsche 917-The Heroes, the Victories, the Myth
Porsche 917-The Heroes, the Victories, the Myth
McKlein Publishing
This comprehensive book describes the breathtaking development and the fascinating technology of this amazing sports car. Additionally, it covers the complete story of the 917 in racing backed up by comprehensive statistics. However, the outstanding highlight of this book is the personal insight it contains from many contemporary witnesses. They tell the story of how the 917 was conceived, designed and built – and made yet faster over the years. They tell how they worked with it and how they both loved and hated this legend among racing cars. The authors have talked to engineers, drivers, technicians, team managers and mechanics about their “baby”. This extended and updated edition is by far the most complete collection of facts, data and anecdotes concerning the Porsche 917 – and much more, including a large number of previously unpublished high-quality photographs.