Schlagwort-Archive: RSR

Goodwood 2019 – The R6 RSR

The Original

Sunday 13 May 1973, the weather is warm and dry around the 72 kilometre long race track of the 73rd Targa Florio on the Italian island of Sicily. Over 700,000 spectators are standing around the track with over 700 curves to watch the racing teams for the last time on the open track.

The Swiss racing driver Herbert Müller starts together with the Dutch racing driver Gijs van Lennep for the Martini Porsche works team and leads the team to a historic success. The racing car is the Martini Porsche 911 Carrera RSR, internally known in the Porsche racing department of Weissach R6. Due to the rule changes and the limitation of the cubic capacity to 3.0 litres for group 5, the RSR came just at the right time. Also because then Porsche boss Fuhrmann was enthusiastic about the idea to build a street-like racing car again and to sell it to customers for motor sports. At his first race George Follmer and Willy Kaushen on the Carrera RSR with the chassis number 911 360 0588 won the GT class at the 6 hours race of Vallelunga, 1973. Also the test for the 24 hours of Le Mans was positive, even if the car was prematurely retired in the race due to a defect in the fuel system. But the victory at the Targa Florio is definitive and of greatest historical value. There were numerous accidents and retirements during the training for the last Targa Florio. Porsche arrived with 3 Carrera RSR and the leading engineer Norbert Singer had everything else in mind than to go home with a victory. Even before the race, Paul Ricard was busy testing and fighting for every second that the cars could run faster. The two left and right rear wings in addition to the ducktail played an important role. Here they glued, experimented and formed with hammer and wood until the ideal shape was achieved. All this was well documented by Singer and his team, which turned out to be a real stroke of luck 45 years later.

“I want the car to be just as original as it was with the Targa”. With this wish the current owner came to England on Lee Maxted-Page, the restorer known as a Porsche specialist. For Lee and his team it was a great honour to restore such a historic racing car to its original condition. At first, a whole three months were spent researching the archives and looking for drawings, pictures and information. The Porsche Museum helped a lot, as did the pictures created under the direction of Norbert Singer. Many other Porsche legends such as Jürgen Barth were also consulted. The car was restored to its original condition “Targa Florio, 1973” in about 18 months. The result can not only be seen, it must be seen, heard and driven. The smallest detail was restored, so for example the holes for the attachment of the two additional tail fins in the body were found again during the restoration and these aluminum parts were fastened left with 3 rivets and right with 4 rivets. Also a result of the test series in Paul Ricard at that time. The beautiful Martini paint on the originally white delivered racing car was meticulously reconstructed and painted like in 1973 partly by hand. The adhesive strips for the windscreen and the rear wings were exactly reproduced by means of pictures. Even the lettering of the amateurs with small platinum adhesive strips was reproduced exactly (whereby the word “Lichtung” was probably copied from the ” Zundung, we will research that again…).

Sunday, 07. July 2019, the weather is cold and wet. The Martini Porsche 911 Carrera RSR is at the start of the Goodwood FOS 2019 hill climb. Porsche racing legend Jürgen Barth (also an original, and completely unrestored!) quickly moves his right foot down. The gas pedal is pushed through and the petrol flows joyfully from the safety tank into the combustion chambers of the roaring boxer engine in the rear of the RSR. The resulting power is transmitted directly to the rear axles. It seems as if the whole car is happy to drive again in its original condition. The tires spin on the first meters and only get grip again shortly before the first corner. Jürgen Barth intercepts the car before the first corner and drives up the track with the engine screaming with happiness. It hardly goes more original…

Season Start 2018

Saison Start 2018
„schnell mal essen“ on Track at Barcelona.
Die Renn Saison nimmt fahrt auf. Der Formel 1 Kurs in Barcelona ist die erste Station für die alten Rennautos aus den 50er, 60er und 80er Jahren der Peter Auto Rennserie. Jürgen Barth fährt dieses Jahr wieder einen ganz speziellen Rennwagen: einen Porsche 917/10-002. Ein reinrassiger Rennwagen mit dem legendären 12-Zylinder der unter der Regie von Ferdinand Piech entwickelt wurde. Ca. 650 PS bringt der Wagen auf die Rennstrecke. Für Jürgen Barth kein Problem. Er steigt aus dem Porsche genauso aus wie er eingestiegen ist. Als wäre ein Kinderspiel mit solch einem Wagen über die, wegen des Sahara-Staubs sehr rutschige, Rennstrecke zu fahren. Das erste Rennen der Saison ist auch immer wieder ein Wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten. Jean Marie Almeras, der bekannte Porsche Tuner und Rennfahrer aus Frankreich ist auf der Rennstrecke und fährt seinen wunderschönen Porsche RSR 2.8l. Beide Rennfahrer, Jürgen und Jean Marie haben nicht nur bei zahlreichen Interviews viel Spaß auch beim Signieren Ihrer Bücher kommt viel Freude auf. Bis zum nächsten Event dauert es nicht mehr lange…..

Season start 2018
Racing and Recipes on track at Barcelona.
The racing season is catching up. The Formula 1 circuit in Barcelona is the first stop for the old racing cars from the 50s, 60s and 80s of the Peter Auto racing series. Jürgen Barth is driving a very special racing car again this year: a Porsche 917 / 10-002. A thoroughbred racing car with the legendary 12-cylinder developed under the direction of Ferdinand Piech. Approximately 650 hp brings the car on the racetrack. No problem for Jürgen Barth. He gets out of the Porsche just as he got in. As if it were a breeze to drive with such a car on the, because of the Sahara dust very slippery, racetrack. The first race of the season is always a reunion with old acquaintances. Jean Marie Almeras, the well-known Porsche tuner and racer from France is on the racetrack and drives his beautiful Porsche RSR 2.8l. Both racers, Jürgen and Jean Marie, have a lot of fun not only in numerous interviews, but also when signing their books, a lot of joy comes up. It will not be long before the next event …

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.


SPA Classic 2016 – Keine Feuerpause…

SPA Classic 2016 – Keine Feuerpause…

Einer der Klassiker überhaupt im Rennreichen Oldtimersport Jahr 2016 – Die SPA Classics 2016. Zwei Porsche Modelle dominieren die traditionelle Rennstrecke in den belgischen Ardenne: Der Porsche RSR und der Porsche 962. Beides Ionen ihrer Zeit und beides erfolgreiche und Siegreiche Rennwagen aus der Stuttgarter Sportwagenschmiede. Als 2.8l und später als 3.0l wurde der RSR das Sportgerät für die Nationen Deutsche Rennmeisterschaft in den 1970iger Jahren. Privat-Teams wie Max Moritz, Loos oder die Kremer-Brüder machten den Konkurrenten von BMW, Ford oder dem Lancia Beta sprichwörtlich Feuer unter dem Hinterteil.
Nicht weniger Feuer machten die Gruppe C Sportwagen wie der Porsche 956 oder sein Nachfolgemodell der Porsche 962. Ein Rennwagen der zum Siegen gebaut wurde. So fuhren diese beiden Typen reihenweise Rennsiege und Titel für Porsche ein. Im Geiste sind beide, der RSR und der 962 Brüder. Auf der Rennstrecke sind es brüderliche Gegner. Bei den SPA Classic heist es für die Porsche Rennwagen keine Feuerpause….

One of the classics in racing classic car sports 2016 – The SPA Classics 2016. Two Porsche models dominate the traditional race track in the Belgian Ardenne: the Porsche RSR and the Porsche 962. Both icons of their time and both successful and victorious racing cars from the Stuttgart sports car manufacturer. As a 2.8l and later as 3.0l the RSR became the sports equipment for the Nations German race championship in the 1970s. Private teams like Max Moritz, Loos or the Kremer brothers literally made the rivals of BMW, Ford or the Lancia Beta fire under the rump.
No less fire made the group C sports cars like the Porsche 956 or its successor to the Porsche 962. A race car that was built to win. So drove these two types row victories and titles for Porsche. In the spirit are both the RSR and the 962 brothers. On the racetrack, they are fraternal opponents. At the SPA Classic, there is no fire break for the Porsche racing cars ….

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.


Porsche Turbo Die Ära der Turbo-Elfer

Porsche Turbo Die Ära der Turbo-Elfer
Dirk-Michael Conrad
Motorbuch Verlag

In diesem Band wird die Geschichte des Porsche Turbo beschrieben, jeder Modelljahrgang dokumentiert sowie Fahrleistungen und Technik unter die Lupe genommen. Abgerundet wird das Ganze durch Kommentare von Walter Röhrl.

Mit dem 911 Turbo 3.0 stellte Porsche Mitte der 70er-Jahre den ersten Seriensportwagen Deutschlands mit Turbolader-Technik vor. Die einzigartige Turbo-Chronik von Dirk-Michael Conradt ist weit mehr als eine Aneinanderreihung von Daten, Fakten und technischen Beschreibungen bis zum Modelljahr 2016: Es ist die Geschichte einer Legende, spannend erzählt, umfassend dokumentiert und detailliert aufgezeichnet unter Mithilfe von Technikern und Entwicklern. Welche Rolle eine Flasche Whiskey in der Turbo-Entstehungsgeschichte spielte und was Rallye-Legende und Turbo-Entwicklungshelfer Walter Röhrl über die einzelnen Typen zu sagen hat, erfahren Sie nur in diesem Band.

This volume describes the history of the Porsche Turbo, documents each model year, as well as driving performance and technology under the microscope. The whole thing is rounded off by comments from Walter Röhrl.

With the 911 Turbo 3.0, Porsche presented the first production sports car in Germany with turbocharger technology in the mid-1970s. Dirk-Michael Conradt’s unique turbo chronicle is much more than a series of dates, facts and technical descriptions until the model year 2016: It is the story of a legend, narrative narrative, comprehensively documented and recorded in detail with the help of technicians and developers. What role a bottle of whiskey played in the history of turbo formation and what rally legend and turbo development assistant Walter Röhrl has to say about the individual types, you will only learn in this volume.

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.


Generation Porsche -teNeues

Generation Porsche
te Neues

Frank M. Orel und Elmar Brümmer starten mit diesem Buch eine rasante Zeitreise durch die Porsche Historie. In zahlreichen Collagen werden Rennen und Rennwagen und alle Sportwagen von Porsche gezeigt. Hervorragend dargestellt und kreativ wie Porsche selbst wird das im Buch dargestellt. Automobilgeschichte die Spaß macht.

Frank Orel and Elmar Brummer take us on a fast-paced trip back in time, combining a collage of distinctive sports cars, historical events and Porsche history–all together! This playful chronology is distinguished by its boldy original design.

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.


Porsche 911 Les Modeles Depuis 1963

Porsche 911 Les Modeles Depuis 1963

Die Geschichte des Porsche 911 ist eine Geschichte ständiger Verbesserungen und Weiterentwicklungen. Seit 1963 gibt es das Modell 911. Im Buch werden 200 Modelle erklärt. Chronologisch wird der Modell in allen seinen Facetten erklärt.

The history of the Porsche 911 is a story of constant improvements and further developments. The book explained 200 models since 1963. Chronologically, the model is explained in all its facets.

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.
