Schlagwort-Archive: teNeues

Generation Porsche -teNeues

Generation Porsche
te Neues

Frank M. Orel und Elmar Brümmer starten mit diesem Buch eine rasante Zeitreise durch die Porsche Historie. In zahlreichen Collagen werden Rennen und Rennwagen und alle Sportwagen von Porsche gezeigt. Hervorragend dargestellt und kreativ wie Porsche selbst wird das im Buch dargestellt. Automobilgeschichte die Spaß macht.

Frank Orel and Elmar Brummer take us on a fast-paced trip back in time, combining a collage of distinctive sports cars, historical events and Porsche history–all together! This playful chronology is distinguished by its boldy original design.

See more soon in „The Porsche Book of Porsche Books“.


Book Fair 2016

News from Frankfurt.

The Porsche 911 is a unique sports car, then why not also make unique books on the subject in itself. The book 911 x 911 from the Stuttgart Motorbuchverlag shows in its 2nd edition on over 1000 pages, what makes the Mythos 911th With the book “Porsche nursery heroes” of the Edition Panorama, we follow the photographer Christian Blanck back to our childhood. Once there, we make ourselves equal to the scale, a kit of a 6-cylinder. There is also a book with all the information about the engine. Porsche history of the early years reflects the autobiography of Porsche engineer and former race director Peter Falk: “33 years Porsche” was developed in cooperation with McKlein Publishing. So exclusive as the car brings Delius Klasing for the 30 anniversary of a box with three books for supercar 959 out. Heel Verlag has, the first book on the Type 997 in the program, and many other new Porsche title. You own a Porsche 917, then Haynes has the right book for you in the program. The Owners Workshop Manual. This is only a small selection of Porsche books at the 63rd Book Fair. More of it, about the featured title, here on
